Man VS Machines, Man Can’t Be Dominant Unless by “Three Weapons”
“The thirty years to come will see the whole world be subject to tremendous changes and yield to remoulding. In the data era then, man cannot survive but by the employment of originality, ability in innovation, and creativity, which are beyond the smartest machines. After all, man will have advanced into an age, when data dominates, with a decisive factor in intellectual knowledge, and with a struggle against machines boasting their faster calculation and stronger retention, two features of intelligence, from the industrial age two hundred years ago, where knowledge, science and technology prevailed with their rapid development.”
Is There Any Essential Difference between 95 Points and 97 Points?
“I hope the students from our school will be equipped with all-round development. Even, I think it is good for a kid to gain 85 points in mathematics or in Chinese, and 95 points, quite better, yet fewer than 80, no. So, is there any difference between 95 points and 97 points? Absolutely not! It’s beyond the wildest imagination of what a child will be at the expense for the subject with only two points shy of the target, 97 points. The time on the said subject, from my perspective, can be otherwise spent on P.E., drawing or singing, to invite improvements accordingly.”
Horse Raising or Dog Feeding? A Wise Idea from an American Headmaster on Service Consciousness
“I’ve learnt there is a school in the USA, with many outstanding graduates. However, every student is asked to keep a horse; there are over two hundred horses in the school. With the curiosity, I paid a visit to the school when I was in Los Angeles, and asked the headmaster, ‘Why are students asked to keep a horse?’ ‘Jack, do you know what difference between keeping a dog and feeding a horse? A dog is people-pleasing while a horse is people-pleased. A horse won’t become obedient unless its keeper brings it food, walks it, and brushes it.’ It is just in this way employed by the headmaster that service sense is cultivated in children, who will then be well prepared for the future, with the equipped awareness of how to cope with people and the world around.”
Individual Values VS Individualism? Prepare Kids for Becoming Aware of Unique Values in Themselves
“As we know, P.E. is to develop competitiveness and teamwork spirit; the former refers to contests, where further adaption and promotion are made before one inevitably suffers from a failure, while the latter reminds us of, say, a basketball team, where the game can never go on unless one passes the ball to another. Not until then will kids come to understand the point of cooperation and partnership, which determines that practice in group is of great significance. I hope that students from our school will be equipped with both teamwork spirit and individual values. Thus, we shall prepare our children for the best themselves, who will become what they should be. This is not individualism, but a process about how to realize individual values, in a sense of being aware of that everyone has a special difference. ”
Filial Loyalty or Greek Mythology? Both Must Be Inclusive
“Both western and oriental civilizations are supposed to be accessible to kids ever since the very beginning of their education in Yungu School. It’s good to deliver the integration, say, of employing one thousand oriental stories coupled with that amount of counterparts in the western world, for example, stories addressing loyalty and filial piety from China and mythology from Greece. After all, education in Yungu School takes its root in the Chinese culture, as the common practice goes that pupil graduates must have read the four literature classics in their Chinese textbooks. This decides that children concerned must have a taste of the interesting cultural heritage accordingly.”
Interests or Points? What Is a Good Teacher?
“Neither on scores nor on homework only, but on the potential enthusiasm in learning is a good teacher expected to keep an eye. Standards in terms of a prominent teacher refer to an appealing ability, which is a leading responsibility for the teachers and by which kids will correspond to classes with preference responsive, once their interest is aroused. It is such a kind of teacher that Yungu School shall be equipped with, and more such teaching members shall be developed. I remember there was a P.E. teacher, who was seconded from a rural school, and nothing could be expected from him but a couple of simple instructions concerning the subject. Yet, it is such a teacher looking forward to rains all day long to spare him from P.E. classes that has aroused our interest in “The Water Margin” (one of the four classics in Chinese literature) instead; then we would after school rummage for the book to have further reading.”
Parents or Schools? Who Plays the Leading Role in Education Delivery?
“Schools are loaded with much expectation nowadays. However, it is parents amid other key members that exert a more influence on the process of educating, than the common roles at school, despite that the latter play a more important role in the process of teaching. Thus, this fact determines that regardless of music, P.E. art or anything else, parents involving in schooling of Yungu, rather than subject tutors, are supposed to spend some time, say an hour each day playing with their children. As for subject learning, it is what teachers and the school should do. There is a far cry between teaching and educating, which bears the proof that it is wrong to shift the responsibility to teachers only.”
For Employment or Speciality Promotion, What Is the Purpose of Higher Education Acquisition?
“To parents, I want to tell that education in Yungu School will offer no guarantee for a famous senior high school or that of a higher level, or a way out to some common concern, but a stage, where interests and specialities can find their outlets, choices respond to hearts, and a broader sense follows, when teenagers are faced with decision making after three-year learning here. Of course, I hope Harvard, Stanford University, Oxford or others will see our students for further study. ”
Nobel School or Noble Qualities, We Want No Former
“We, co-founders of Alibaba Group, have built this school, to prepare our kids with the noble qualities and the very temperament concerned but never a noble school instead, because unlike some rich people, true nobles have a quality of frugality and can make the best use of resources.”